Bart Barnard

Curriculum Vitae


Date of Birth: 27 november 1970
Phone number: 06 2509 3817
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I'm interested in the collision between technique, art, and philosophy. From this interest, I keep up with most emerging and contemporary technological developments, reflect on the (societal) effects of these, and try to put all of this in a historical perspective. I have an inquisite mind that is open to new challenges and insights, ideas and concepts. I always try to improve myself, both intellectual as technological (or sportive). I day when nothing is learned is a day wasted.

Given my passion, I am glad to be be working in academia since more than ten years. However, also outside the classroom I like to give lectures and presentations. My passion also forces me to have lots of ongoing (and perennial) projects that allow me to check out the latest developments or to read most interesting literature. The results of some of these project find their way to a little website I have been changing and mantaining for more than two decades.

I have a strong opinion on what the world should look like, and I do not refrain from letting this know using opinion-articles and letters to regional or national newspapers. I adhere to the motto of Friedrich Schelling, that nothing in the universe should be depressed, contained or subordinate: I demand a free and special life for everything.

I used to publish more philosophical considerations on my blog, but the last few years I have decided to use my time to do other stuff.


At the moment, I am working at the Institute of Communication, Media and IT of the Hanze University in Groningen. I teach in all the years of the major Software Engineering. This goes from databases to simple programming courses to datastructures and machine learning. I keep a close eye to the developments in the professional field as well as good contact with those working in it. I have provided a small overview of the most important course I am currently working on (in Dutch).

Apart from this, I am working at the Minerva Art Academy where I am teacher in the minor Design, Art, and Technology. In this minor, I give both programming lessons and the module Theory and Philosophy. In this last module, I talk about the role the arts and technology have played during human history and the way those two domains relate to each other. The materials for this module are accesable using this link.

Earlier work

2008 – 2011: part-time teacher at the Profession School of the Arts in Utrecht (PSAU). This school was an (alas shortly-lived) collaboration between the HKU and the UU. Under my supervision, some twenty students graduated from this school, with topics as 'the aura in the digital artwork', or 'the role of the literal magazine in contemporary society'.

2001 – 2008: part-time teacher Interaction Design at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht: at this course, I mostly did graduation projects. Apart from this, I was also responsible for the second-year module where the theoretical foundation for user experience was explained. From traditional theatre theory, software was analysed.

2006 – 2008: software developer at Cope IPS (Leiden): Cope was a company that developed online survey tools for the commercial domain. Customers included Kempen, Twynstra Gudde, and the Raad voor de Kinderbescherming or the Universiteit Twente. I was responsible for the code-base of one of the core application (php/mysql/xslt), but also kept close contact with the curstomers. Cope has been changed into Dimensional Insight

2004 – 2006: software-analyst at the Software Improvement Group (Amsterdam): at SIG, large and complex applications are analysed and graded; think about the extensibility and mantainability of such systems used at banks, insurance companies or governments. Customers include DUO, CJIB, and vele anderen. This was a rather technical company where I mostly worked on interpretation of the data generated by the analyses and creating reports based on these analyses.

Before 2004, I worked several web-companies (and new media companies before that).

Educaion and certificates

Hobbies and other passtimes